Friday, May 27, 2011

History of Computer

I'm not really into blogging but i'd be sharing you guys what I know about the History of Computer.

2000 years ago the Abacus was born and been considered as the 1st computer. It's made of wood, strings and beads. By just moving the beads all around, it will help you solve arithmetic problems, and mathematical computations. The oldest abacus was used by the babylonians in 300 B.C. 

A slide rule, also called as slipstick. It's an analog computer that is used to multiply and divide. It is also used to solve logarithms, roots, and trigonometry. It;'s not normally used for addition and subtraction. This was invented in 17th century and was first built in England, by William Oughtred and the others.

The next one was called the calculating clock. It was invented 1623,  by Wilhelm Schickard.
He died soon and his invention was introduced in public.

laise Pascal soon invented the Pascaline, it was in 1642. He was 19 years old when he actually made this Pascaline. He was young and smart, he did this for his father. It can only add problems. Nothing more. But it was helpful though.

fter a few years Wilhelm Leibniz built a four-function calculator. It can help you in, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It was called the stepped reckoner.

In the year 1833, a scientist from England knows to be Charles Babbage invented such a machine.  This device was called Analytical engine and it deemed the first mechanical computer. Sir Charles Babbage was then called the
 father of computer.

Generations of Computer :

1st Generation - The full form of ENIAC is “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator”. ENIAC was a very huge and big computer and its weight was 30 tones. Initially in the first generation computer the concept of vacuum tubes was used. 

2nd Generation -As the size of electrons components decreased from vaccum tube of transistor, the size of computer also decreased and it became much smaller than that of earlier computer.

3rd Generation - The third generation computers were invented in the year 1964. This generation of computer has huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed.

4th Generation - The computers which we see around us belong to the fourth generation computers. Micro processor is the main concept behind this generation of computer. It is possible that the next generation of computer fifth generation will be developed soon.

  thanks for reading! :)


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