Monday, June 6, 2011


Popular Beliefs Regarding Computers

  • Deleting files in your computer doesn't mean that it's totally gone from your computer. We don't still consider it clean right after clicking the Delete button. It's still in the system, it's just hidden somewhere.
  • Anti-virus and Firewalls are totally different. They have different functions. Firewall prevents unauthorized users from entering the system while Anti-virus locates, detects, and removes viruses. Firewalls cannot remove viruses, and Anti-virus cannot secure our computer as well.
  • Some people says that restarting the computer is bad for a computer. Well it's a no no, it's also a benefit for our computer, it doesn't harm at all. 
  • There's nothing wrong with leaving your computer ON 24/7, it's actually beneficial. 
  • A desktop computer doesn't affect the speed of the internet. It is related with the connection of your internet. It depends if you're using a dial-up connection, it can be quite slow. The computer only has little little to do with it.
  • Restarting the computer is the same as shutting it down and turning it on again. Well it's a no no, it's different.  Shutting a computer off completely and waiting at least 30 seconds before powering it up again allows electrical current that is still in the wiring and boards to seep out. Restarting doesn't do this; current is maintained. Turning a computer off periodically is a very good idea.
  • Macs aren't virus proof. The reason this belief exists is because Macs have traditionally comprised a smaller segment of the market and so they haven’t been targeted by virus writers.  
  • Computers know everything. . A computer doesn’t reason. It cannot reason as a human does. Computers don’t have feelings. Computers have the ability to give you back information. But they cannot help us in everything.

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