Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things I've learned from this Class :)

I didn't really thought that compsci would help me with a lot of things but then I was wrong. I have learned so much from it and this subject also made me more expressive. Before, I don't really do blogging, I'm not fond of writing long essays, long stories and the likes. But then I realized that it would be also beneficial for me as I get along in college life.

Let's talk about passwords. Few months ago, when we haven't talked about passwords yet. I never knew that having the same password in different accounts would not be good. I have a lot of accounts in the internet, because when my friends tell me different kind of sites I tend to use it. I'm not really good in memorizing stuffs, so I always do have same passwords in different accounts. I also have the same password in my laptop and my phone. When somebody borrowed my laptop and asked for my password, I told her what my password is and she knew that I have the same password in every account. I know that it is easier to have them all the same, but then it's in our own risk. So after that, I changed all the passwords I have online.

Hmm. How about the storage of the computer. Recycle bin. Before when my laptop gets slower I thought that maybe it's because of all the files i'm downloading and everything that's in my storage. So every time my laptop gets slower, I delete lots of files without knowing that if it's still in the recycle bin, it still use some of the memory of my laptop. Then I realized after studying about this, I always empty my recycle bin. 

I also learned something about the Pre-built programs and Custom made programs. I have learned it's advantages and disadvantages. Here are some: When you buy a Pre-built program, it is less hassle and there's a lot of people using it so there's a lot of people who knows how to fix it's errors and there are a lot of comments on how to use it. But then it's disadvantages are, it has a limitation, you can't do whatever you want with it. Custom made programs, it's advantages are it's personalized, it was made with what you wanted it to be. You are free to do anything with it. But the disadvantages of it are, you will be the one responsible to fix it and be responsible for it's errors. There are nobody else who can fix it, except you. 

Here are things that I've learned from this subject. It was fun knowing facts about the computer. Thank you Sir Alain for this sem. I wish to see you around, NOT IN COMPSCI class.. again :)

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