Friday, September 30, 2011

Hi, I am a ..

Hi, I'm a dreamer. I have a lot of dreams I wish I could get A S A P (as soon as possible). But then dreams according to the dictionary is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. It's an ambition not a prize nor an award given by someone, It's an ambition we have to work hard for to get. Well, I know everyone is a dreamer, everyone is passionate or ambitious, it's really common but I think this is not a very common introduction to tell so I decided to make this my introduction. 

When I was little, I have always been passionate of this dream that I never thought would be a success for me. That dream is being a fashionista, I always wanted to be a fashion designer, a fashion icon, or anything related to fashion. I grew up having all the good clothes, good shoes, and the likes but I never really wore them properly, I never knew how to mix & match my clothes, I can call my self then a frustrated trendsetter. I remember in elementary days, I wasn't nor never been one of those fashionistas we have in school, my Mom would always tell me "anak ang baduy naman niyang suot mo", but then those words became an inspiration for me and made me work harder to get that dream I always wanted to have. Back in high school, I started  being a fan of fashion magazines, fashion sites (, and fashionistas I see on television. I started improving by then. After high school, I tried to explore more things and started to explore with what I wear, I don't really care what other people think or say about what i'm wearing because for me it's my way to express what I feel and show who I really am. And I think having those improvements is a dream come true 

My mom always tell me to:


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I googled myself ..

Have you ever tried to google your name? Or someone else's name? For me it's a YES. Why do you think people do it? Whyyyyy? Well my answer is, because we want to know what things we can find about ourselves or other else's self on google. Do you have a good reputation online? What are you guys waiting for? Check it NOW! :)

September 21, 2011 9:36pm

Here's what I typed on Google

and here are the results I've found ..

I only saw accounts I've had or made years ago and accounts i'm currently using. I haven't seen anything bad about myself online, and hopefully there's no bad things that I haven't seen yet online. Hopefully. I've also seen one blog that my best friend posted and she included me on her list of special friends. I never thought of being there not until I've searched my name online, good thing I Googled myself and found out things that I never knew existed. 

I'm looking forward to make blogs and posts I can share through out the world and try to be an inspiration to others by just typing, posting, and thinking of different thoughts or knowledge i'm keeping that I could share to others.