Friday, September 30, 2011

Hi, I am a ..

Hi, I'm a dreamer. I have a lot of dreams I wish I could get A S A P (as soon as possible). But then dreams according to the dictionary is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. It's an ambition not a prize nor an award given by someone, It's an ambition we have to work hard for to get. Well, I know everyone is a dreamer, everyone is passionate or ambitious, it's really common but I think this is not a very common introduction to tell so I decided to make this my introduction. 

When I was little, I have always been passionate of this dream that I never thought would be a success for me. That dream is being a fashionista, I always wanted to be a fashion designer, a fashion icon, or anything related to fashion. I grew up having all the good clothes, good shoes, and the likes but I never really wore them properly, I never knew how to mix & match my clothes, I can call my self then a frustrated trendsetter. I remember in elementary days, I wasn't nor never been one of those fashionistas we have in school, my Mom would always tell me "anak ang baduy naman niyang suot mo", but then those words became an inspiration for me and made me work harder to get that dream I always wanted to have. Back in high school, I started  being a fan of fashion magazines, fashion sites (, and fashionistas I see on television. I started improving by then. After high school, I tried to explore more things and started to explore with what I wear, I don't really care what other people think or say about what i'm wearing because for me it's my way to express what I feel and show who I really am. And I think having those improvements is a dream come true 

My mom always tell me to:



  1. Dream on, coz dreams do come true.. :)
    I know you can do it, you're not "baduy"..
    You're just trying to be on your own style.. :)
    Pag naabot mo yun, asahan mo magiging fan mo ko :)

  2. And oh, in fact, I think you're really gorgeous.. :) I think sooner than you expect, maachieve mo yun :D

  3. Little Miss Fashionista! God bless and Keep it up! :)

  4. That's good to you! Sometimes we have to listen to others even though it hurt us so much but because of that... We still believe in ourselves that we can do it after all the things they've said.. just think in a positive way =))

  5. If you have a dream, give it a chance to Happen :) you can do it girl! GodBless <3

  6. hey dream catcher! haha :)we all know your a fashionista pero dapat nglagay ka ng pic mo pra may proof :) pero its good. nice. ily. :)

  7. MARGA - HAHAHA. Dapat maglalagay ako. Pero I can't pick eh. :D

  8. Embrace your dreams! And...never let go of your pride as an AMiGO

  9. Gooo for that dream Princess! You're a fashionista & you're awesome. Sooo, CHIN UP GORGEOUS! Nice blog. It's very sophisticated & cute :) I love you! >:D<

  10. Thank you Rox! I love you too >:D<

  11. me gusta :) love your blog entry.

  12. Chin up! :)

  13. ronnier franz h. torresOctober 1, 2011 at 6:40 AM

    Cute blog. :)

  14. Amazing Blog. :)

  15. one thing is certain pinsan, u always have the choice to achieve whatever dreams you want, at the right time, and thats Gods time.

  16. ur mom's so ryt cess!!!DREAM and BELIEVE in ur self always.DO watever makes u hapi...AJA...u'll gon' make it more beter...remember this:"All dreams can come true…..if we have the courage to pursue them."

    God bless in life dear..
    stay pretty and smile always!

  17. Yup...go for it cess! Always put God first in everything that you do and the rest will follow! It was nice seeing you today here at aup!

  18. You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go. Good luck on your dreams girl.

  19. all dreams do come true with God`s help.just work hard for it and you will achieve it!!!

  20. BEZ! Your not baduuy! mejo lang. Haha. jk! love youu! dream on. :)

  21. I love your blog Cess! Me myself is also a dreamer :) A piece of advice: Whatever your dream might be, make a way to make it reality :> Goodluck and Godbless!

  22. Goodluck on your dreams bebeCess! :*

  23. Kyot haha Goodluck with your dreams :D

  24. Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be. LOVE et!♥

  25. NENG!! Good luck syo. and aim high!!. ILoveYou!!<3

  26. awesome way to get to know you better. this is super cool. =]

  27. Fashioooon <3 Your blog is cute. Stay awesome! :)

  28. Reiko Josh SalientesOctober 2, 2011 at 6:44 AM

    Nice! Keep it up! Goodluck! :D

  29. Follow the DESIRES of your HEART! <3


  30. <3 And now you're one of the always best dressed girls that i know. :)) :*


  31. Cess I love it! :)) halata naman na fashionista ka ee.. ang cute mo magdala ng mga damit mo. :)) Bagay sayo. Goddluck :)) God Bless

  32. Just reading the description of your blog here was just cute. I hope that one day you do get your fashions. Hold on to your dream and never let it go. looking around and see a big mess.I guess that's what life is ;)Keep making those changes in your life to find happiness. Listen to your heart. :D

  33. Aim high my dear :) Do not just reach for the stars, jump for the heavens! Hahaha ansabeh. Youre gonna turn out succesful cess, I believe in you. Thats why dreams are there, so that you can work hard for it in reality. Kaya, work hard for it! You can do it. Im here your asawa, better than your boyfriend! :)
    - BRET

  34. Live up to your own dreams, not the dreams of others. I believe dreams can become reality, so long as you set goals and push forward, you can do whatever your dreams inspire! No one has to believe in your dreams, just as long as YOU do! Keep your faith, always believe, never stop dreaming, never give up on hope and always love with all your heart! Don't forget to pray.. You ask, He will answer! Go cess! :D

  35. Chix, you are gorgeous and unique in your own ways. keep believing in your dreams like what you're mom said and never forget to pray. we'll always be here to support you all the way through... keep aiming high! ILOVEYOU! :*
    - FAM

  36. Cess ur blog is so pretty so as you :)

  37. Cessaaaa, di ka baduuuy! :)) I actually admire you. :) I look up to you. Hahah. I like you're sytle kaya. :) Love youu. I've got dreams like you do and I'm starting to achieve them now one by one. And I hope I that I will be able to do everything I listed in my bucket list. And sana ikaw rin! :) <3
