Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweet Tooth

Have you ever tasted sweet delicacies from “The city of Smile”? If not, go and try it because you’re missing half of your life. The capital of Negros Occidental which is the Sugarbowl of the Philippines, serves as the entrance of the sugar-rich cities and towns of the province, and because of that Bacolod is known for its sweet delicacies. Here are some of the delicacies that can be mostly found in Bacolod which is hard or too expensive to find at other places.


Piaya, this is one of the famous delicacies in Bacolod, it is a flat unleavened bread with muscovado (raw) sugar. The bread is flaky just like the Chinese hopia, and the filling ofcourse is sweet. It actually has different kind of flavors to pick for like Calamansi, Mango, Dalandan, Espresso, Ube and Rum. It is good to be paired with a cup of coffee. The shape of piaya is usually round and flat. Enriched flour, sugar, salt, butter and sesame seeds make up this mouth-watering dessert that everybody would love. This is a most requested pasalubong for the family and I’m 99.9 percent sure that no one leaves Bacolod without bringing home one or more pack of piaya.


Kwakoy, one of the oldest native delicacies of Bacolod. Whenever my Grandmother visit in Bacolod we always ask her to bring us sweet delicacies including this, me and my cousins usually call this “tiles” because of its shape and texture. This is made of native rice, washed sugar, malagkit, and milk powder. This is not that sweet, and it’s kind of unflavored. But this is one of the most noticeable delicacy of Bacolod.


 Pastillas de Manga, who could have thought that Pastillas Mango flavor exist in this city? The dough that is filled with sweet blend ripe mango inside that gives the best taste to everyone.  This is also one of my favorite sweet delicacy from Bacolod, this one is really addicting because it’s not that sweet and it’s fully loaded inside, like every bite is heaven here on earth.

Obviously, that is the reason why it is called “City of smile”. Sweet people, sweet delicacies, who wouldn’t smile?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Only in Bacolod

Why do we keep hearing that Bacolod's chicken inasal is one of the best tasting chicken ever? Well I can say that it's because of it's authenticity, I've tasted other chicken inasal here in Manila but I can never replace Bacolod's original inasal. This is one unique thing I know from Bacolod. They use a different kind of vinegar in Bacolod, they get it straight from the coconut tree, its produced  by first fermenting coconut wine and then turning it into vinegar. Bacolod vinegar has a wine-sweet taste that permeates into the chicken marinade.

had to try all the chicken inasal here in Manila just to prove that Bacolod's inasal is really the best and original. I've proven it to myself and I can really recommend it to everybody. 
So why don’t you try a chicken inasal for yourself today? Don’t be fooled by some outlets that use the name “Bacolod” to brand their chicken barbecue. It’s not just the name. And you already know the secret.

And the secret for good food is you should sprinkle l-o-v-e into it, just like what Ilonggos do :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The city of smiles (descriptive essay)

This isn’t the place I was born nor the place I grew up in, but this is one place I left my heart with, the one I considered as my hometown – Bacolod.. Bacolod city is the capital city of Negros Occidental. Known as the city of Smiles because of their festivals like Joei de Vivre and Mardi Gras; the MassKara festival which is famous because of its vivid mix of dance, color and music. This is also known as the Land of Sweet people and it’s also known as the culinary heritage.

My Dad was born in Bacolod City that’s why we’re kind of influenced of its culture and lifestyle. He had always been a laid back person who prefers having a simple life, just like what he had when he was young. We never stop listening to his precious and interesting stories about his childhood memories in his hometown.  The first time we went to Bacolod, we were like tracing back footsteps and digging up memories. We went to all the places where my Dad used to play, the place where he used to hang out and the places he used to have good memories.

I love Bacolod not because it’s my Father’s hometown, not because it’s one place I used to visit but because I love every simple thing it has. I remember walking on the sidewalks of Bacolod, the sun lingering upon my fair skin, we saw street children playing and having fun under the sunny sun and their parents all laughing and just smiling. I can see from their faces that problems doesn’t really matter when you’re happy, I can’t see hunger from their faces, even those who doesn’t have a perfect teeth could give you the biggest smile ever – that’s one thing I’m so proud about my so-called hometown. Our crumbling stomachs bother us while walking but it’s not a problem in Bacolod, you can always see different selections of food stalls, but for me they must try their  finger licking good Bacolod Inasal, don’t expect to use spoon and fork while eating because they actually encourage costumers to use their hands. After eating those tasty Chicken Inasal, it’s a must to try those mouth watering Piyaya, it's like a super thin bread with different kinds of flavor like ube, chocolate, and a lot more, it's one of the most famous sweet delicacy of Bacolod, it’s flavored with melted muscovado sugar inside. If you want to try different things I recommend you guys to try and discover the wonders of Bacolod!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hi, I am a ..

Hi, I'm a dreamer. I have a lot of dreams I wish I could get A S A P (as soon as possible). But then dreams according to the dictionary is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. It's an ambition not a prize nor an award given by someone, It's an ambition we have to work hard for to get. Well, I know everyone is a dreamer, everyone is passionate or ambitious, it's really common but I think this is not a very common introduction to tell so I decided to make this my introduction. 

When I was little, I have always been passionate of this dream that I never thought would be a success for me. That dream is being a fashionista, I always wanted to be a fashion designer, a fashion icon, or anything related to fashion. I grew up having all the good clothes, good shoes, and the likes but I never really wore them properly, I never knew how to mix & match my clothes, I can call my self then a frustrated trendsetter. I remember in elementary days, I wasn't nor never been one of those fashionistas we have in school, my Mom would always tell me "anak ang baduy naman niyang suot mo", but then those words became an inspiration for me and made me work harder to get that dream I always wanted to have. Back in high school, I started  being a fan of fashion magazines, fashion sites (, and fashionistas I see on television. I started improving by then. After high school, I tried to explore more things and started to explore with what I wear, I don't really care what other people think or say about what i'm wearing because for me it's my way to express what I feel and show who I really am. And I think having those improvements is a dream come true 

My mom always tell me to:


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I googled myself ..

Have you ever tried to google your name? Or someone else's name? For me it's a YES. Why do you think people do it? Whyyyyy? Well my answer is, because we want to know what things we can find about ourselves or other else's self on google. Do you have a good reputation online? What are you guys waiting for? Check it NOW! :)

September 21, 2011 9:36pm

Here's what I typed on Google

and here are the results I've found ..

I only saw accounts I've had or made years ago and accounts i'm currently using. I haven't seen anything bad about myself online, and hopefully there's no bad things that I haven't seen yet online. Hopefully. I've also seen one blog that my best friend posted and she included me on her list of special friends. I never thought of being there not until I've searched my name online, good thing I Googled myself and found out things that I never knew existed. 

I'm looking forward to make blogs and posts I can share through out the world and try to be an inspiration to others by just typing, posting, and thinking of different thoughts or knowledge i'm keeping that I could share to others.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things I've learned from this Class :)

I didn't really thought that compsci would help me with a lot of things but then I was wrong. I have learned so much from it and this subject also made me more expressive. Before, I don't really do blogging, I'm not fond of writing long essays, long stories and the likes. But then I realized that it would be also beneficial for me as I get along in college life.

Let's talk about passwords. Few months ago, when we haven't talked about passwords yet. I never knew that having the same password in different accounts would not be good. I have a lot of accounts in the internet, because when my friends tell me different kind of sites I tend to use it. I'm not really good in memorizing stuffs, so I always do have same passwords in different accounts. I also have the same password in my laptop and my phone. When somebody borrowed my laptop and asked for my password, I told her what my password is and she knew that I have the same password in every account. I know that it is easier to have them all the same, but then it's in our own risk. So after that, I changed all the passwords I have online.

Hmm. How about the storage of the computer. Recycle bin. Before when my laptop gets slower I thought that maybe it's because of all the files i'm downloading and everything that's in my storage. So every time my laptop gets slower, I delete lots of files without knowing that if it's still in the recycle bin, it still use some of the memory of my laptop. Then I realized after studying about this, I always empty my recycle bin. 

I also learned something about the Pre-built programs and Custom made programs. I have learned it's advantages and disadvantages. Here are some: When you buy a Pre-built program, it is less hassle and there's a lot of people using it so there's a lot of people who knows how to fix it's errors and there are a lot of comments on how to use it. But then it's disadvantages are, it has a limitation, you can't do whatever you want with it. Custom made programs, it's advantages are it's personalized, it was made with what you wanted it to be. You are free to do anything with it. But the disadvantages of it are, you will be the one responsible to fix it and be responsible for it's errors. There are nobody else who can fix it, except you. 

Here are things that I've learned from this subject. It was fun knowing facts about the computer. Thank you Sir Alain for this sem. I wish to see you around, NOT IN COMPSCI class.. again :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

True stories about social networking sites


  • Mike D is now following you on Twitter.
  • Mike D has accepted your friend request.
  • Comment posted by Mike D
  • Text Message from Mike D
The above is a prelude to a love story. Yes, love can occur by meeting in class, meeting through a friend or at a party, but what about through social media?
Did you know that there are four bases of social media that can lead to a social media love story? Do you remember being in high school and talking about the ‘bases’ you could get to with your teenage crush. Today in the new digital age, social media bases are applied the same way as high school, however the love stories at reunions are slightly different.
First Base:
Monday December 15th, 2009, Twitter via web.
Mike D follows you on Twitter, thinking you are cute, smart and interesting.
You notice that he followed you, and soon follow back. Mike started to flirt a bit with you through @replies, getting to know you, and speaking of common interests. You two soon get to know each other well enough, and the crush begins. Then comes second base!
Second Base:
Thursday, January 2nd 10:05 am.
You then start commenting on Mike’s blog posts on a regular basis. He soon noticed and gladly returned the favor. By commenting on each other’s blog posts, you two realized how much you had in common and how much you could contribute to each other’s ideas so easily. You Facebook friend request Mike.
Third Base:
Wednesday January 25th 2:34 p.m.
You SO like each other! Now you and Mike D can see each other’s pictures, friends, updates, etc. You two are giving each other a much more personal insight into your lives by allowing each other to be your Facebook friends, thus the trust begins. Mike begins to flirt with you by sending you a message, writing on your wall and conversing with you using the Facebook chat. Now that you two are connecting on multiple social media sites, this may be getting serious!
Home Run!
Text from Mike to Kristin 3:05 February 1st.
The text message. After talking for a while on Twitter, commenting on blog posts, and Facebook numbers were finally exchanged via the Facebook chat. This means that you two definitely have confirmed the crush and are taking it to a much more personal level. Mike begins to text you during the day to say hi or share something he is doing, and even asking to meet up! Your heart begins to race as a huge smile crosses your face and you start to plan out your outfit.
After meeting through social media sites and then text messaging, you finally meet Mike for a date and have been happily together since then. It seems that social media sites are the new way to find love, replacing traditional dating sites like eHarmony and

2) Business
Today I had lunch with a colleague (Janice) I haven't seen in 4 years. She worked for a corporation in town that did a lot of business with my old company (Interactive Ink).
She reached out because of a series of quotes I posted on LinkedIn. I remember posting the quotes because I was a little nervous about it. You see, I began to be more myself, more authentic.
I read a lot of books, blogs and articles that have nothing to do with my profession. They're motivational and inspiring.
I decided that week to post several quotes that were helping ME get more motivated and passionate about work. I love what I do and that's what I was posting, quotes about doing what you love and trusting the money will follow.
Janice said that after reading my posts, she thought, "Kathy has some interesting things going on - I'm going to connect with her again." She also took the time to fill out a great recommendation for me on LinkedIn!
Here's another great example:
On FaceBook I was lead to an artist who paints silk. Joy Silk. The page has lots of pictures of the beautiful work, so I clicked the "Like" button.
The next day, I received an email (on FaceBook) from the owner of offering me 20% off any order FOREVER because I became a fan (or a Liker). I thought that was such a great idea that I emailed her back and told her so. Within a few minutes, she emailed me, thanked me and asked about doing business with ME!
She went to MY FaceBook page (personal one) and discovered my company and liked what she read!
THIS is what social networking is about: Making connections with people or businesses that you never would have found otherwise, reconnecting with people or businesses you already know, getting to know them better, and solidifying great customer relationships.
Business is done with those you know and trust.
Article Source:

3) Drug companies lose protections on Facebook, some decide to close pages

Relationship status: “It’s Complicated.”
Facebook and the pharmaceutical industry have had an uneasy partnership in recent years. Many drug companies didn’t join the site until Facebook gave them a privilege that others do not have — blocking the public’s ability to openly comment on a page Wall.
But that’s about to change.
In a reversal by Facebook, most drug company pages will have to have open Walls starting Monday.
Companies are worried that open Walls mean risks, and many are reconsidering their engagement on Facebook. On Friday, AstraZeneca, which sells the antidepressant Seroquel, shut down a page devoted to depression. Johnson & Johnson said it will close four of its pages Monday. Other companies said they will monitor their pages more closely once the changes take effect.
The industry is concerned that users might write about bad side effects, promote off-label use or make inappropriate statements about a product, and that the comments could raise concerns from government regulators.
Facebook would not say what specifically prompted its change of heart. Andrew Noyes, manager of public policy communications for Facebook, said in an e-mail, “We think these changes will help encourage an authentic dialogue on pages.”
Facebook will allow companies to continue to block Wall comments on specific prescription product pages, but those are a minority of pharmaceutical company pages. Most of the open pages would be focused on companies themselves or on disease or patient-specific communities, which then have ties to the companies’ prescription products.
AstraZeneca’s “Take on Depression” page, which closed Friday, had more than 1,100 “likes” — people following the page and its updates.
“We’re very strongly committed to social media, but we have to make sure that the amount of time and resources spent on [monitoring it for problems] is appropriate,” said Tony Jewell, an AstraZeneca spokesman.
Johnson & Johnson will shut down two pages focused on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — ADHD Allies and ADHD Moms — along with pages focused on rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Combined, the four pages have more than 40,000 likes. Johnson & Johnson sells the ADHD drug Concerta, psoriasis drug Stelara and arthritis drugs Simponi and Remicade.

 4)Woman accused of beating son for using Facebook

A US woman has been charged with aggravated child abuse after allegedly beating her son with a cable for using Facebook without her permission.
The woman, 62, was told of her child's account on the social networking website after an acquaintance advised her that he had posted a message which indicated he might try to hurt himself, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

In an interview with police, the boy, whose age was not released, claimed his mother had gotten angry and beaten him with a cable in their Apopka home.

He then ran away to a friend's house, where he was later found with injuries to both arms.

The woman told police the boy had lied to her about using Facebook and that she had become angry and hit him. She was booked into the Orange County Jail, where she was being held without bail.

5) Police chief in SC resigns over Facebook post

WILLIAMSTON, S.C. (AP) - The police chief in Williamston has resigned after the mayor asked him to leave because of postings on his Facebook page.
Police Chief Richard Inman resigned Friday at the request of Mayor Carthel Crout, who said one post in particular showed poor taste and lacked judgment. He says that posting showed a photo of a portable toilet with handwriting that reads "Mexican spaceship."
Inman told WSPA earlier this week ( had said earlier this week that he thought the post was funny and not racially insensitive. He said he treats all citizens fairly.
Inman has worked for the Williamston Police Department for about two years.
Crout says Capt. Jay Grubbs will serve as interim chief until a replacement is found.